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A theory from Sam Carter called "We'll be back somehow... "
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A link is available in French to the same story called "Une théorie de Sam Carter appelée "Retour vers le futur""

Disclaimer: Stargate doesn't belong to me, I wish it would... but heck! It belongs to MGM and Gecko films corps! Lucky you! No money made, don't sue!

Author: Sabine

Eps cited: Moebius part 1 essentially, as it is my challenge and duty to come with a theory which makes sense (no offense SES... you got me into it!) but it may also include some eps from season 1 to 8...

A little sentence for fun... retrieved from the Shadok, a french comics... “It's better to summon up your intelligence on bullshits than to summon up your stupidity on smart things!”

Go and get to see the drawing going with it on this page (in French unfortunately...)

And this one which really suits the situation (I can't resist it!):
“With stairs suitable for climbing, you can oftenly succeed to climb lower than what you would have come down with stairs suitable for going downstairs....” Isn't it a Moebius twist??!!

Here we go! Have fun!

Warning: no violence, some piece of techno babble, it summarize it all...

So any comments are welcome at my contact page. Click on the icon below to get it:

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Sam got up almost instantly as she heard unusual noises from behind the sandy relative shelter they found a few kilometers away from the spacetime machine, surrounded by a full army of astonished Jaffas the previous day. Realizing it was only soft noises coming from roving animals, she thought better than getting back to sleep! Even if she was well trained for the field, being a few thousand years in the past could get easily on her nerves...

She should have known it was a really bad idea to go get the Zero Point Module. How in hell had she been able to allow this to happen? The consequences must have been tremendously unexpectable! Ok, they got the device! But what does it mean if the world fall apart not knowing the threats coming on?

And for all they know, what's happening if someone actually came back to retrieve the device at one time along the 5000 years they travelled back? The Asgard or the Ancient might have considered that Earth proved to be inconsiderate and come back to correct a supposed fault... Or they might have needed it... The result would be the same, the device would have been impossible to trace on the whole world in their time.

The theory of space travel based on Moebius maths has been one of the toughest subject she ever came to face at military school. Thinking space time travel was theorically possible and actually doing it was a hell of a difference! She had been a fool to believe it was such a good idea to come back here and now SG1 deprived of liberty was about to die in there!

Moebius theories goes by assuming that there is a continuity in the timeline and whatever the place you are situated in that timeline, you are going through it like it would be a circle, with no end.

What if our future themselves find the device and the camera and are able to retrieve the data from it? They just come back all over 5000 years and fix it? But then, what we -original double SG1- are becoming?

Of course it's only possible to think we can get it straight by assuming our future themselves would be sufficiently smart and living pretty much the same things than us... We assume by putting the device in the Giza plateau that the father of Catherine Langford will be able to get it by 1928 and will preserve the material until our future themselves can see it...

The stargate has been retrieved by Catherine Langford back in 1944 and we have no way to know where it has been put. There is no indication of the time *when* the alternate future ourselves live. I assumed it was back in 1995 as it was the first time Catherine Langford has been able to set up the Stargate in the actual SGC in the true timeline. The SGC doesn't even exist at the alternate time.

Hammond is a general, Jack O'Neill is still a colonel, retired... He hasn't been chosen to go on the first mission to Abydos, which is convenient with the reaction he has in front of Major Kawalsky, who is recognized as a brother in arms but for the Golf war...

He has never met Daniel Jackson, neither let him live a happy merry life on Abydos... so he neither has been forced to come back from his second retirement in 1997 when Apophis comes seeking for hosts on Earth for the first time in 50 years... and subsequently we never met and practised this little banter of our own, concerning the reproductive machinery... What a loss...

Nothing has happened yet! No Goa'ulds, no ennemies, no allies, the Ancients are unknown to Earth... The new Daniel and me seem to be younger and pretty naive about what should be our “true” life. We seem to wear some old fashioned clothes... but there are flat computer screens in the Pentagon facility. It would make sense such technical advance was existing prior to anything in the military...

The liquid christal technology first existed in 1981 to make small flat TV screen, or in watches. And we know that, on the long run, most of the technologies have been developped by the Army for communications purposes, the web program is a prefect example. So in 1995, small flat screens would be available and NEC exists since a long time.

As for Daniel and mine "small" knowledge, we still appear in the alternate time with a background in Archeology and Astrophysics, it's just we haven't met yet with the major changes brought by the Stargate discovery or the encounter with Catherine Langford for Daniel... which happen in the true timeline in 1995...

Maybe Catherine Langford knew somehow she would have to wait for Daniel Jackson and the time when his intelligence would evolve enough to allow him to translate the symbols on the Stargate! Some things shouldn't happen before it is due to whatever the timeline effect may be. It comes round the assumption of the never ending circle from Moëbius theory...

The Homer name of the boat... The Simpsons are existing since 6 years in 1995, so in the alternate reality, it would make sense to consider that Homer was famous enough to figure on the boat, acknowledging that Jack O'Neill would be pretty close to what he is in our real time... except maybe the laziness a bit more visible... In the original first travel to Abydos, Jack is commissioned for a suicide mission... he wasn't supposed to come back, he was depressed because of his son death and retired!


Conclusion : SG1 authors must have had a lot of thinking with the Bible of the franchise to get it all right! And my assumption is that when we see the Carter and Daniel weird ones, they are in 1995...

I saw again the eps on French TV last week and it was really cool to get into it... But as I read this piece of thing I can't really call a “story”, my instinct tells me, it's enough cool like that and doesn't need more explanation, so here it is, a few silly notes on a nice subject! With a few modifications to make it story-like... I hope you enjoyed it... don't forget all feeback are welcome...

By translating it in French, it occured to me that the whole comments could have been done by 2 sam Carter, the one from our reality and the younger "silly" one... isn't it freaky?! Somehow I come to think that the 2 Sam are melted in one all new in the end of Moebius part 2, as are SG1 whole team! Then it does justify the empty pond and full pond... Think to it and get your nerves on it! lol
